Suspension cultures grow much faster than callus culture provided they are:
1. fed with nutrients continuously
2. not exposed to sunlight
3. constantly agitated
4. deprived of oxygen

Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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The original idea of total potentiality in plants was pioneered by:

1. Gottlieb Haberblandt 2. Skoog and Miller
3. Panchanan Maheshwari 4. Gurdev Singh
Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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Somatic embryo regeneration in micropropagation is induced by high concentrations of:

1. Cytokinins 2. Gibberellins
3. Auxins 4. Zinc
Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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Plantlets regenerated during micropropagation are subjected to hardening where they are grown in the conditions of:
1. sufficient light and high humidity
2. sufficient light and low humidity
3. decreased light and high humidity
4. decreased light and low humidity

Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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Protoplast fusion can be achieved with the use of:

1. Colchicine 2. Polyethylene Glycol
3. Polyacryl amide 4. Ethidium bromide
Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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The best method for producing plants free of viruses will be:

1. Meristem culture 2. Embryo culture
3. Somatic embryogenesis 4. Somatic hybridization
Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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You want to study the effects of a virus on a certain plant. The plant part you should not use is:

1. pith 2. shoot apex
3. phloem 4. cortex
Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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Protoplast fusion during somatic hybridization is achieved by the use of:
1. Phenoxy acetic acid
2. Colchicine
3. Polyethylene glycol
4. 2,4 – D

Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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Consider the given two statements:

I: Embryo culture finds useful application in some interspecific crosses.
II: It includes the excision of young embryos from developing seeds and their cultivation on a nutrient medium.

1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I.
2. Both I and II are correct but II does not explain I.
3. I is correct and II is incorrect.
4. Both I and II are incorrect.

Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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