What exactly does the nature act upon when selecting an organism?
1. dominant alleles
2. recessive alleles
3. phenotype
4. combined genotype

Subtopic:  Darwin's Theory | Additional Theories of Darwin | Natural Selection |

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Both Charles Darwin and A.R.Wallace were influenced by the:
1. writings of J.B.S.Haldane on the origin of life
2. findings of Urey and Miller experiments
3. findings on the Galapagos Islands
4. essay on human population by T.R.Malthus

Subtopic:  Darwin's Theory | Additional Theories of Darwin |

To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Darwin got the idea of ‘common descent with modification’ as evolution initially from his observations on:
1. geographic distribution of species
2. fossil records
3. comparative embryology
4. comparative biochemistry

Subtopic:  Darwin's Theory | Summary of Darwin's Theory | Additional Theories of Darwin |

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Which of the following will not counter natural selection?
1. genetic drift
2. gene flow
3. mutation
4. Unlimited resources

Subtopic:  Other Theories of Origin of Life | Theory of Evolution & Lamarckism | Darwin's Theory | Additional Theories of Darwin |

To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.