A man who is an achondroplastic dwarf with normal vision marries a color-blind woman of normal height. The man's father was six feet tall, and both the woman's parents were of average height. Achondroplastic dwarfism is autosomal dominant, and red-green color blindness is X- linked recessive. What proportion of their sons would be color-blind and of normal height?

1. All 2. None
3. Half 4. One out of four

Subtopic:  Sex Linked Inheritance: Characteristics |

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Male pattern baldness is a ___________ trait.


Subtopic:  Sex Linked Inheritance: Characteristics |

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Which of a women's grandparents could not be the source of any of the genes on either of her X-chromosomes?

1.Mother's Father.2.Father's Mother.
3.Mother's Mother.4.Father's Father.

Subtopic:  Sex Linked Inheritance: Characteristics |

To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

