Consider the given two statements:

I. Sex chromosomes in male mammals also undergo synapsis in meiosis I
II. Sex chromosomes are homologous chromosomes

1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
2. Both I and are correct but II does not explain I
3. I is correct and II is incorrect
4. Both I and II are incorrect

Subtopic:  Cell Cycle: Meiosis I |

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If a cell in S phase is fused with a cell in G1:
1. The G1 nucleus immediately enters the S phase
2. The S nucleus stops DNA replication
3. The G1 nucleus directly enters G2 phase
4. Both nuclei enter the M phase immediately

Subtopic:  Intro to Cell Cycle & Interphase |

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Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are:
1. Two key classes of regulatory molecules that determine a cell's progress through the cell cycle
2. The products of the proto-oncogenes in a eukaryotic cell
3. Two very important promoters that are involved in oncogenes
4. Mediators of apoptosis

Subtopic:  Intro to Cell Cycle & Interphase |
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A cell passes the G1/S transition. This cell will:
1. be allowed to replicate DNA only if there is adequate nutrients and growth signaling.
2. progress through S-phase even if environmental conditions become unfavorable.
3. become quiescent if the environmental conditions become unfavorable.
4. not be subjected to any control check point during the completion of the cycle.

Subtopic:  Intro to Cell Cycle & Interphase |

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Apart from tissue stem cells, which of the following cells in the human body are good examples of being in reversible G0 phase?
1. Mature hepatocytes
2. Senescent cells
3. Differentiated muscle
4. Differentiated bone

Subtopic:  Intro to Cell Cycle & Interphase |

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If an organisms lives in an environment that increases the risk of damage to chromosomes, which of the following would be beneficial?
1. Development of gametes into individuals without fertilization
2. Reproduction by binary fission
3. Syngamy
4. A life cycle excluding meiosis

Subtopic:  Intro to Cell Cycle & Interphase |

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Destruction of both centrosomes with a laser beam in an animal cell:

1. will prevent both mitosis and cytokinesis

2. prevents cytokinesis even if mitosis has been completed normally

3. permits cytokinesis but the daughter cells fail to enter a new S phase

4. prevents mitosis but permits cytokinesis

Subtopic:  Cell Division: Mitosis (Karyokinesis) | Cell Division: Mitosis (Cytokinesis) |

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Anaphase is characterized by two distinct motions. The second motion, anaphase B:
1. moves chromosomes to either pole of a dividing cell and this movement is primarily generated by the action of kinetochore microtubules.

2. moves chromosomes to either pole of a dividing cell and this movement is primarily generated by the action of interpolar microtubules.

3. involves the separation of the two poles from each other and the movement for this is primarily generated by the action of kinetochore microtubules.

4. involves the separation of the two poles from each other and the movement for this is primarily generated by the action of interpolar microtubules.

Subtopic:  Cell Division: Mitosis (Karyokinesis) |

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A bacterium divides every 35 minutes. If a culture containing 105 cells per mL is grown for 175 minutes, what will be the cell concentration per mL after 175 minutes ? 

1. 175 × 105 cells
2. 85 × 105 cells
3. 35 × 105 cells
4. 32 × 105 cells

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During which phase of the cell cycle does a mature human RBC replicate its DNA?
1. S phase
2. G1 phase
3. G2 phase
4. None

Subtopic:  Intro to Cell Cycle & Interphase |
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