The form and size of algae is highly variable. Which of the following will not be true?

I: Volvox is a colonial alga.
II: Ulothrix and Spirogyra do not form filaments.
III: Kelps form massive plants bodies.

1. Only II 2. Only III
3. Both I and II 4. Both II and III

Subtopic:  Algae |

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Identify the incorrectly matched pair:

Alga Sexual reproduction
I: Ulothrix Isogamous; non-flagellated gametes
II: Spirogyra Isogamous; flagellated gametes
III: Udorina Anisogamous
IV: Fucus Oogamous
1. Only III 2. I, II and III
3. Only I and II 4. Only III and IV
Subtopic:  Algae |

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Consider the given statements:
I: Algin is a hydrocolloid derived from brown algae
II: Carrageen is a hydrocolloid derived from green algae
III: Agar is a complex polysaccharide derived from red algae, Gelidium and Gracilaria

1. I is correct; II is incorrect; III is incorrect
2. I is incorrect; II is correct; III is correct
3. I is incorrect; II is correct; III is incorrect
4. I is correct; II is incorrect; III is correct
Subtopic:  Algae |

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Which of the following is not an example of an edible alga?

1. Porphyra 2. Laminaria
3. Sargassum 4. Amanita
Subtopic:  Algae |

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Consider the two statements regarding Chlorella:
Statement I: It is single-celled green algae.
Statement II: It is used as a food supplement.

1. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
2. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
3. Statement I and Statement II are correct
4. Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
Subtopic:  Algae |

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Which of the following will not be true for members of chlorophyceae?
1. The photosynthetic pigments are located within definite chloroplasts.
2. Chloroplasts are discoid in shape in all members of chlorophyceae.
3. Most of the members have one or more storage bodies called pyrenoids, which contain proteins besides starch, located in the chloroplasts.
4. Some green algae may store food in the form of oil droplets.
Subtopic:  Chlorophyceae: Green Algae: I |

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Which of the following feature given in column I is not correctly matched with its correct description given in Column II with respect to members of Chlorophyceae?
Column I Column II
1. Main photosynthetic pigment Chlorophyll a, b
2. Cell wall Inner layer of cellulose and outer layer of pectose
3. Stored food Starch
4. Flagellar number and insertion 2-8. unequal. basal
Subtopic:  Chlorophyceae: Green Algae: II |

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All the following are examples of members of Chlorophyceae except:

1. Ectocarpus 2. Chlamydomanas
3. Chara 4. Ulothrix
Subtopic:  Chlorophyceae: Green Algae: II |

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Regarding the size and form of brown algae:
I: Ectocarpus is profusely branched and may reach a height of 100 meters.
II: Kelps are simple branched filamentous brown algae.

1. Both I and II are incorrect
2. Only I is incorrect
3. Only I is correct
4. Both I and II are correct
Subtopic:  Pheophyceae: Brown Algae |

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All the following statements will be true for brown algae except:
1. Major pigments are chlorophyll a, c, fucoxanthin
2. Food is stored as complex carbohydrates which may be in the form of Laminarin or Mannitol
3. Vegetative cells have chitinous wall usually covered on the outside by a gelatinous coating of algin
4. Flagellar number and insertions are 2, unequal and lateral
Subtopic:  Pheophyceae: Brown Algae |

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