The label of a herbarium sheet does not carry information on

1. date of collection 2. name of collector
3. local names 4. height of the plant

Subtopic:  Taxonomical Aids (OLD NCERT) |

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Nomenclature is governed by certain universal rules. Which one of the following is contrary to the rules of nomemclature?

1. The first word in a biological name represents the genus name and second is specific epithet
2. The names are derived from latin and written in italics.
3. When written by hand, the names are to be underlined.
4. Biological names can be written in any language


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Practical purpose of taxonomy or classification is to:
1. facilitate the identification of unknown species
2. explain the origin of organisms
3. know the evolutionary history
4. identify medicinal plants

Subtopic:  Systematics & Type study |
AIPMT - 1999

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The highest category for classifying living organisms in taxonomic hierarchy will be:
1. Kingdom
2. Domain
3. Supraclass
4. Phylum for animals and Division for plants

Subtopic:  Taxonomy 3: From Family to Classification of Some Organisms |

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Keys in which the choices allow only two (mutually exclusive) alternative couplets are known as:
1. Dichotomous keys
2. Poly clave keys
3. Indented keys
4. Bracketed keys

Subtopic:  Taxonomical Aids (OLD NCERT) |

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A store house of collected plant specimens that are dried, pressed and preserved on sheets is called as:
1. Herbarium
2. Monograph
3. Flora
4. Manual

Subtopic:  Taxonomical Aids (OLD NCERT) |

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Panthera tigris belongs to the Felidae family. What taxonomic category does Panthera represent?

1. Species 2. Family
3. Genus 4. Order
Subtopic:  Taxonomy 2: Classification up to Genus |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The taxon ‘Division’ in plant taxonomy is used as a substitute for which of the following taxonomic categories in animal taxonomy?

1. Phylum 2. Class
3. Order 4. Family
Subtopic:  Taxonomy 2: Classification up to Genus |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Fragmentation is not a common method of asexual reproduction in:
1. Planaria
2. Hydra
3. Filamentous algae
4. Protonema of moss

Subtopic:  Reproduction as Criterion for Being Living (OLD NCERT) |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


The currently accepted definition of biological species was pioneered by:

1. John Ray 2. G. G. Simpson
3. Ernst Mayr 4. Ernst Haeckel
Subtopic:  Systematics & Type study |

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