A Prokaryotic cell lacks:
I: a membrane bound nucleus
II: membrane bound organelles
III: ribosomes
1. Only I and II 2. Only I
3. Only II and III 4. Only III

Subtopic:  Prokaryotic Cell Organisation |

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Ribosomes are:
I: bound by a single membrane only
II: found in all cells – both eukaryotic as well as prokaryotic
III: found in cytoplasm as well as chloroplasts, mitochondria and on RER
1. Only I and II 2. Only I and III
3. Only II and III 4. I, II and III
Subtopic:  Ribosome and Inclusion Bodies |

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1.  is a non- membrane bound organelle found in all cells which helps in cell division
2. is a non- membrane bound organelle found in plant cells which helps in cell division
3. is a non- membrane bound organelle found in animal cells which helps in DNA replication
4. is a non- membrane bound organelle found in animal cells which helps in cell division
Subtopic:  Centrosomes |

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Identify the incorrectly matched pair regarding shape of bacterial cells:
1. Bacillus Rod shaped
2. Coccus Spherical
3. Vibrio Icosahedral
4. Spirillum Spiral
Subtopic:  Bacterial Staining & Shape |

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A bacterial cell has
1. a single chromosome and circular DNA
2. multiple chromosomes and circular DNA
3. a single chromosome and linear DNA
4. multiple chromosomes and liner DNA
Subtopic:  Prokaryotic Cell Organisation |

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Identify the correct statement regarding the cell envelope of a prokaryotic cell:
I: The outermost layer of the cell envelope is called as the glycocalyx which may be present as a loose sheath called the slime layer or a thick and tough capsule.
II: The cell wall determines the shape of the cell and provides a strong structural support to prevent the bacterium from bursting or collapsing.
III: Plasma membrane is selectively permeable in nature and interacts with the outside world.
IV: Bacterial cells can be classified as Gram positive and Gram negative based on the staining properties of their plasma membrane.
1. All except IV 2. Only I and II
3. I, II, III and IV 4. Only II, III and IV
Subtopic:  Details of Prokaryotic Cell Structure |

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A polysome is:
1. several mRNA molecules attached to a ribosome
2. several ribosomes attached to a single mRNA
3. the three major types of cellular RNAs attached to an mRNA molecule
4. many ribosomes attached to the surface of endoplasmic reticulum
Subtopic:  Ribosome and Inclusion Bodies |

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Identify the correct statement(s) regarding the structure of a typical cell membrane:
I: The lipid component mainly consists of phosphoglycerides.
II: Peripheral proteins are either lying on the surface of the membrane or partially buried in it.
III: Carbohydrates are not a component of cell membrane.
IV: Cholesterol is a lipid and is a part of the cell membranes of animal cells.
1. Only I 2. II and III only
3. I and IV only 4. II and IV only
Subtopic:  Cell Membrane |

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The middle lamella of a typical plant cell:
I: mainly consists of calcium carbonate
II: holds or glues the different neighbouring cells together
III: is not traversed by plasmodesmata
1. Only II is correct
2. Only I is incorrect
3. I, II and III are incorrect
4. Only II and III are correct
Subtopic:  Cell Wall |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


The endoplasmic reticulum:
I: divides the intracellular space into a luminal compartment and an extra-luminal [cytoplasm] compartment.
II: is called as rough ER if it shows ribosomes attached to its inner surface.
1. both I and II are correct
2. only I is correct
3. only II is correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect
Subtopic:  Endomembrane System (Endoplasmic Reticulum) |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.