Phytochrome is a
1. flavoprotein
2. glycoprotein
3. lipoprotein
4. chromoprotein

Subtopic:  Photoperiodism (OLD NCERT) |
Please attempt this question first.

The Avena curvature is used for bioassay of
1. GA3
2. IAA
3. Ethylene
4. ABA

Subtopic:  Growth Hormones & Auxin |
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What causes a green plant exposed to the light on only one side, to bend toward the source of light as it grows?
1. Green plants need light to perform photosynthesis
2. Green plants seek light because they are phototropic
3. Light stimulates plant cells on the lighted side to grow faster
4. Auxin accumulates on the shaded side, stimulating greater cell elongation

Subtopic:  Growth Hormones & Auxin |
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Please attempt this question first.

A few normal seedlings of tomato were kept in a dark room. After a few days they were found to have become white-coloured like albinos. Which of the following terms will you use to describe them?
1. Mutated
2. Embolised
3. Etiolated
4. Defoliated

Subtopic:  Photoperiodism (OLD NCERT) |

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Which one of the following growth regulators is known as "stress hormone" ?
1. Abscisic acid
2. Ethylene
3. GA3 
4. lndole acetic acid

Subtopic:  Abscisic Acid |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

During seed germination, its stored food is mobilised by:


Subtopic:  Gibberellin |

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Phototropic curvature is the result of uneven distribution of.
1. gibberellin
2. phytochrome
3. cytokinins
4. auxin

Subtopic:  Growth Hormones & Auxin |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Coiling of garden pea tendrils around any support is an example of
1. thigmotaxis
2. thigmonasty
3. thigmotropism
4. thermotaxis

Subtopic:  Growth |

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One of the synthetic auxin is

1. NAA 2. IAA
3. GA 4. IBA
Subtopic:  Auxin Function |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Which one of the following acids is a derivative of carotenoids?

1.Indole-butyric acid2.Indole-3-acetic acid
3.Gibberellic acid4.Abscisic acid
Subtopic:  Abscisic Acid |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.