In a test cross AaBb × aabb, all the progenies were like parents only. it means
1. Genes are distantly situated
2. Genes A and B are completely linked
3. Crossing over occurred during gamete formation 
4. Genes A and B are incompletely linked

Subtopic:  Dihybrid Cross Analysis | Dihybrid Cross: Details |
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A haemophilic male
1. Can pass the disorder to daughters only
2. Produces all the sperms with gene of haemophilia 
3. Can be a carrier for the disorder 
4. Inherit the haemophilia gene from his father only 
Subtopic:  Mendelian Disorders: Hemophilia |
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Please attempt this question first.

There is a slight change in gene A and it becomes A', but this A' is still coding for the same trait as that of A. On the basis of this information select the correct statements.
1. A and A' are said to be identical genes
2. A and A' both cannot be present in the same individual 
3. A and A' are said to be alleles
4. A and A' cannot be present on the same locus of the chromosome

Subtopic:  Monohybrid Cross: 1 |
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In a flowering plant species, there are only two characters for which contrasting traits are present in the population and these genes are on different chromosomes. If we randomly select a seed from a heap of seeds produced by dihybrid individuals of this population, What would be the probability that the plant produced by this seed would have one dominant and one recessive trait?
1. \(\frac{9}{16 }\)
2. \(\frac{3}{8 }\)
3. \(\frac{1}{2 }\)
4. \(\frac{1}{4 }\)
Subtopic:  Dihybrid Cross: General Consideration |
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Test cross is required to know the actual genotype of all of the following phenotypic conditions, except
1. Axial flower position in Pisum
2. Yellow pea seed colour
3. Red flower colour in Antirrhinum
4. Round pea seed shape
Subtopic:  Monohybrid Cross: 1 |
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Please attempt this question first.

A father and his son, both have blood group O. Which blood group(s) is/are not possible in the siblings of that son?
1. AB
2. A and B
3. A only 
4. B only
Subtopic:  Co-dominance |

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If all the three alleles of the gene that controls the blood group in human follow the pattern of codominance, what would be the total number of phenotypes in the population?
1. Twelve
2. Six
3. Eight 
4. Four
Subtopic:  Co-dominance |
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A single gene exhibits multiple phenotypic expression. This statement is true for the genes responsible for
(a) Seed shape in pea
(b) Phenylketonuria in humans
(c) Starch grain size in pea 
The correct one(s) is/are
1. One (a)
2. All (a), (b) and (c)
3. Only (b) and (c) 
4 Only (b)
Subtopic:  Polygenic Inheritance & Pleiotropy |
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What percent of plants developed from wrinkled seeds obtained in F2 generation of Mendelian dihybrid cross will produce only wrinkled-yellow seeds by selfing?
1. 12.5%
2. 33.33%
3. 6.25%
4. 25%
Subtopic:  Dihybrid Cross Analysis |
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Many of the genes, although they are linked get separated in the coming generations. This is due to 
1. Independent assortment of chromosomes
2. Occurrence of two or more alleles of a gene
3. Crossing over during reduction division
4. Their presence on the same locus of the sister chromatids
Subtopic:  Understanding Linkage | Linkage Types |
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