Doubt by Praveen

Is there any difference between withdrawl bleeding and periodic mestural flow 


Answer by Isha Agarwal

Withdrawal bleeding, also known as a hormonal period or fake period, is the monthly bleeding women experience while using a hormonal birth control method, such as the Pill, the patch, or the NuvaRing. During the placebo week of these methods, women will typically have withdrawal bleeding, which often feels like a regular period. Withdrawal bleeding is somewhat similar to your menstrual period (and is often referred to as being on your period). But, you need to remember that it is not the same thing as having a true menstrual period. 

When anyone is taking the pill, her period is technically called withdrawal bleeding, referring to the withdrawal of hormones in her pill. The drop in hormones levels causes the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) to shed. The “period” on the pill is actually called withdrawal bleeding, and happens when the levels of hormones in the pills drop. Withdrawal bleeding may be lighter or slightly different than the period having before taking the pill.

Answer by Subarna Saha

Mam does withdrawal bleeding have any adverse effect on normal menstrual cycle of females?