Doubt by Pooja Surendra

While calulating the least count of main scale which was in CM you said  it is 1mm i.e. 1/10.  Now, in other part you said that if main scale is in mm then the least count of main scale is 10/10 i.e. 1mm.

Will you please clarify this? Why you did 10/10 in mm scale and 1/10 in cm scale?


Answer by nitesh chaudhary

Least count is basically the minimum measurement we can calculate using a scale. Now here to find LC of main scale it is length of 1 division on the main scale.

in first case length of 10 division in cm =1cm so LC= (1/ 10 )cm=1mm

in second case length of 10 division is 10 mm ,so LC = (10/10)mm=1mm 

everything is same, the only differnence the units of measurement of length