Doubt by Omkar Jilla

dicot roots have just 2-4 vascular bundles, whereas dicot stem has numerous vascular bundles as u can also see in figure 6.7 pg. 92.


Answer by Ayushi dubey

ans should be 1 it's written in ncert

Answer by Omkar Jilla

@ayushi, polyarch condition is true for both monocot roots and dicot roots, but dicot roots comparatively has more no. of vascular bundles, and hence more no. of xylem arches. So here dicot roots will be more correct; it doesn't matter if NCERT hasn't mentioned any statement on it as it can be easily understood by diagram itself.

Answer by Ayushi dubey

dicot root has just 2-4 or 2-6...whereas monocot root has more than 6 (8 in ncert) so how can u say that dicot root has comparatively more no of vascular bundles

Answer by Ayushi dubey

morever..neet answer key is based on what's written in ncert so if u want +4 u need to follow ncert even if it's a wrong data..n in ncert term polyarch is used for monocot root

Answer by Omkar Jilla

Sorry, I meant to say dicot stem

Answer by Omkar Jilla

U can clearly see diagram showing many arches of vascular bundles in dicot stem

Answer by Omkar Jilla

So, if u compare monocot root dicot stem, then dicot stem would be more correct

Answer by Ayushi dubey

bt neither ur ans is correct nor's showing some other sort of ans..