Work function of a metal is \(5.2 \times 10^{-18}~\mathrm{J} \) then its threshold wavelength will be:
1. \(736.7~\mathrm{\mathring A}\) 
2. \(760.7~\mathrm{\mathring A}\) 
3. \(301~\mathrm{\mathring A}\) 
4. \(378.4~\mathring A\)

Subtopic:  Photoelectric Effect: Experiment |
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Remaining quantity (in %) of radioactive element after 5 half-lives is:

1. 4.125%

2. 3.125%

3. 31.1%

4. 42.125%

Subtopic:  Radioactivity (OLD NCERT) |
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An engine pumps up 100 kg of water through a height of 10 m in 5 s. Given that, the efficiency of an engine is 60%. If g = 10 ms-2, the power of this engine is:

1. 3.3 kW

2. 0.33 kW

3. 0.033 kW

4. 33 kW

Subtopic:  Power |
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The angular amplitude of a simple pendulum is \(\theta^\circ.\) The maximum tension in its string will be:
1. \(mg(1-\theta_0)\)
2. \(mg(1+\theta_0)\)
3. \(mg(1-\theta_0^2)\)
4. \(mg(1+\theta_0^2)\)

Subtopic:  Application of Laws |
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If the electric flux entering and leaving an enclosed surface respectively are \(\phi_1\) and \(\phi_2,\) the electric charge inside the surface will be:
1. \(\frac{\phi_2-\phi_1}{\varepsilon_0}\)
2. \(\frac{\phi_2+\phi_1}{\varepsilon_0}\)
3. \(\phi_2-\phi_1~\varepsilon_0\)
4. \(\varepsilon_0\phi_1+\phi_2\)

Subtopic:  Gauss's Law |
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During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of absolute temperature. The ratio \(\frac{C_P}{C_V}\) for the gas is:
1. \(\frac43\)
2. \(2\)
3. \(\frac53\)
4. \(\frac32\)

Subtopic:  First Law of Thermodynamics |
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Three point charges +q, -2q and +q are placed at points (x=O, y= a, z =O), (x=O, y=O, z=O) and (x = a, y = 0, z = 0), respectively. The magnitude and direction of the electric dipole moment vector of this charging assembly are:

1. \(\sqrt{2qa}\) Along+y children
2. \(\sqrt{2qa}\) Along the line joining points
(x=0, y=0, z=0) and (x=a, y=a, z=0)
3. qa along the line joining points 
(x=0, y=0, z=0) and (x=a, y=a, z=0)
4. \(\sqrt{2qa}\) Along + x direction
Subtopic:  Electric Dipole |
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A block \(B\) is pushed momentarily along a horizontal surface with an initial velocity \(v.\) If \(\mu\) is the coefficient of sliding friction between \(B\) and the surface, block \(B\) will come to rest after a time.
1. \(\frac{v}{g\mu}\)
2. \(\frac{g\mu}{v}\)
3. \(\frac{g}{v}\)
4. \(\frac{v}{g}\)

Subtopic:  Friction |
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To get three images of a single object, we should have two plane mirrors at an angle of:
1. \(60^\circ\)
2. \(90^\circ\)
3. \(120^\circ\)
4. \(30^\circ\)

Subtopic:  Reflection at Plane Surface |
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A particle of mass \(M\) and charge \(Q\) moving with velocity \(v\) describes a circular path of radius \(R\) when subjected to a uniform transverse magnetic field of induction \(B.\) The work done by the field, when the particle completes one full circle, is:
1. \(\frac{Mv^2}{R}2\pi R\)
2. zero
3. \(BQ2^{\pi R}\)
4. \(BQv2^{\pi R}\)

Subtopic:  Lorentz Force |
Please attempt this question first.