The process of bringing the metal ore into solution by the action of a suitable chemical reagent followed by extraction of the metal either by electrolysis or by a suitable precipitating agent is called-
1. Electrometallurgy
2. Hydrometallurgy
3. Electrorefining
4. Zone refining
Consider the following metallurgical process:
Sulphide \(\xrightarrow[]{\Delta }\) oxide \(\xrightarrow[]{\Delta }\)
Impure metal \(\xrightarrow[]{\Delta }\) pure metal
The processes A, B, and C in the above mentioned reaction are, respectively:
1. Calcination, smelting, and electrolysis
2. Roasting, smelting, and electrolysis
3. Calcination, auto reduction, and bessemerisation
4. Roasting, aluminothermic reduction, electrolysis
Consider the following reaction.
\(\small{Bauxite\ ore\ +\ NaOH\ (conc.) \xrightarrow[\Delta]{Digester} \underset{Soluble}{(A)}}\)
\((A) \xrightarrow{Fresh\ Al(OH)_3}\ \underset{White}{(B)}\ +\ (C)\)
\({(B)} \xrightarrow[]{\Delta}\ (D)\ +\ H_2O\)
What is the molecular formula of compound D?
2MS + 3O2 → 2MO + 2SO2
2MO + MS → 3M + SO2
The metal M in above-mentioned reaction is:
1. Mg
2. Pb
3. Sn
4. Fe
Among the following a non-oxide ore is:
1. Malachite
2. Cuprite
3. Zincite
4. Bauxite
Which of the following is an incorrect match?
1. Kaolinite - Al2(OH)4Si2O5
2. Cuprite - Cu2O
3. Siderite - FeCO3
4. Calamine - ZnSO4
The substance that acts as a collector in the froth flotation method is:
1. Sodium xenate.
2. Sodium pyrophosphate.
3. Sodium nitroprusside.
4. Sodium ethyl xanthate.
The extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with CN- ion. Silver is later recovered by:
1. Liquation
2. Distillation
3. Zone refining
4. Displacement with Zn
4M + 8CN- + 2H2O + O2 4[M(CN)2]- + 4OH-
2[M(CN)2]- + Zn[Zn(CN)4]2- + 2M
The metal M in above-mentioned reaction is:
1. Nickel
2. Silver
3. Copper
4. Mercury
Why is roasting important in the iron metallurgy process?
1. | FeO gets oxidized to Fe2O3 which does not combine with acidic SiO2 |
2. | SiO2 is an acidic oxide which can combine with metallic oxides i.e. FeO, and Fe2O3 |
3. | FeO when roasted get oxidized to more basic Fe2O3 |
4. | None of the above. |