The extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with CN- ion. Silver is later recovered by:
1. Liquation
2. Distillation
3. Zone refining
4. Displacement with Zn
The substance that acts as a collector in the froth flotation method is:
1. Sodium xenate.
2. Sodium pyrophosphate.
3. Sodium nitroprusside.
4. Sodium ethyl xanthate.
Which of the following is an incorrect match?
1. Kaolinite - Al2(OH)4Si2O5
2. Cuprite - Cu2O
3. Siderite - FeCO3
4. Calamine - ZnSO4
Among the following a non-oxide ore is:
1. Malachite
2. Cuprite
3. Zincite
4. Bauxite
2MS + 3O2 → 2MO + 2SO2
2MO + MS → 3M + SO2
The metal M in above-mentioned reaction is:
1. Mg
2. Pb
3. Sn
4. Fe
Consider the following reaction.
\(\small{Bauxite\ ore\ +\ NaOH\ (conc.) \xrightarrow[\Delta]{Digester} \underset{Soluble}{(A)}}\)
\((A) \xrightarrow{Fresh\ Al(OH)_3}\ \underset{White}{(B)}\ +\ (C)\)
\({(B)} \xrightarrow[]{\Delta}\ (D)\ +\ H_2O\)
What is the molecular formula of compound D?
Consider the following metallurgical process:
Sulphide \(\xrightarrow[]{\Delta }\) oxide \(\xrightarrow[]{\Delta }\)
Impure metal \(\xrightarrow[]{\Delta }\) pure metal
The processes A, B, and C in the above mentioned reaction are, respectively:
1. Calcination, smelting, and electrolysis
2. Roasting, smelting, and electrolysis
3. Calcination, auto reduction, and bessemerisation
4. Roasting, aluminothermic reduction, electrolysis
The process of bringing the metal ore into solution by the action of a suitable chemical reagent followed by extraction of the metal either by electrolysis or by a suitable precipitating agent is called-
1. Electrometallurgy
2. Hydrometallurgy
3. Electrorefining
4. Zone refining
4M + 8CN- + 2H2O + O2 4[M(CN)2]- + 4OH-
2[M(CN)2]- + Zn[Zn(CN)4]2- + 2M
The metal M in above-mentioned reaction is:
1. Nickel
2. Silver
3. Copper
4. Mercury
Why is roasting important in the iron metallurgy process?
1. | FeO gets oxidized to Fe2O3 which does not combine with acidic SiO2 |
2. | SiO2 is an acidic oxide which can combine with metallic oxides i.e. FeO, and Fe2O3 |
3. | FeO when roasted get oxidized to more basic Fe2O3 |
4. | None of the above. |