Among halogens, the correct order of amount of energy released in electron gain (electron gain enthalpy) is:

1. F > Cl > Br > I 2. F < Cl < Br < I
3. F < Cl > Br > I 4. F < Cl < Br > I
Subtopic:  Electron Affinity (EA) |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The formation of the oxide ion O2– (g), from the oxygen atom requires first an exothermic and then an endothermic step as shown below, 
Og+e-O-; fH0=141 kJ mol-1
O-g+e-O2-g; fH0=+780 kJ mol-1

Thus, the process of formation of O2– in the gas phase is unfavorable even though O2– is isoelectronic with neon. It is due to the fact that:

1. Electron repulsion outweighs the stability gained by achieving noble gas configuration.
2. O ion has a comparatively smaller size than the oxygen atom.
3. Oxygen is more electronegative.
4. Addition of electrons in oxygen results in a large size of the ion.
Subtopic:  Electron Affinity (EA) |
NEET - 2015
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The correct order of increasing electron gain enthalpy with a negative sign for the elements O, S, F, and Cl is : 

1. Cl < F < S < O                   

2. O < S < F < Cl

3. F < S < O < Cl                   

4. S < O < Cl < F

Subtopic:  Electron Affinity (EA) |
NEET - 2010
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch


The correct order of increasing electron affinity for the elements, O, S, F and Cl is:

1. Cl < F < O < S 2. O < S < F < Cl
3. F < S < O < Cl 4. S < O < Cl < F
Subtopic:  Electron Affinity (EA) |
AIPMT - 2010
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The electron gain enthalpies of halogens in kJ mol-1 are given below.

F =-332, Cl =-349, Br =-325, I =-295.

The lesser negative value for F as compared to that of Cl is due to:

1. Strong electron-electron repulsions in the compact 2p-subshell of F.

2. Weak electron-electron repulsions in the bigger 3p-subshell of Cl.

3. Smaller electronegativity value of F than Cl.

4. 1 & 2 both 

Subtopic:  Electron Affinity (EA) |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The reactivity of alkali metals increases, whereas halogen decreases down the group, because:

1. On moving down, ionization enthalpy decreases in group 1 while the electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative in group 17.
2. On moving down, ionization enthalpy increases in group 1 while the electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative in group 17.
3. On moving down, ionization enthalpy increases in group 1 while the electron gain enthalpy becomes less positive in group 17.
4. On moving down, ionization enthalpy decreases in group 17 while the electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative in group 1.

Subtopic:  Ionization Energy (IE) | Electron Affinity (EA) |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch


The incorrect match among the following is:

1. B < C < N < O (increasing first ionisation enthalpy)

2. I < Br < F < Cl (increasing electron gain enthalpy)

3. Li < Na < K < Rb (increasing metallic radius)

4. Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ <F- (increasing ionic size)

Subtopic:  Electron Affinity (EA) |
NEET - 2016
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

 The correct order for electron affinity of halogens is :

1. Br > F

2. F > Cl

3. Br > Cl

4. F > I

Subtopic:  Electron Affinity (EA) |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

An element with higher negative electron gain enthalpy in the given pair is:

(i) O or F  (ii) F or Cl
1. O, Cl
2. F, F
3. O, F
4. F, Cl  

Subtopic:  Electron Affinity (EA) |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch


Elements H1    H2    egH
    I    520   7300    -60
    II    419   3051    -48
   III    1681   3374    -328
   IV    1008   1846    -295
    V    2372   5251    +48
   VI     738   1451     -40
The least reactive element based on the above data is:

1. III
2. IV
3. II
4. V
Subtopic:  Ionization Energy (IE) | Electron Affinity (EA) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch