The process of release of urine is called micturition and the neural mechanisms causing it is called the micturition reflex.

(i) Urine formed by the nephron is ultimately carried to the urinary bladder

(ii) This signal is initiated by the stretching of the urinary bladder as it gets filled with urine

(iii) In response, the stretch receptors on the bladder send signals to the CNS

(iv) The CNS passes motor messages to initiate the contraction of smooth muscles of the bladder causing the release of urine

Choose the correct option which contains the correct order of phenomena of micturition.

1. (i),(ii),(iii) and (iv)

2. (ii),(i),(iii) and (iv)

3. (iii),(ii),(i) and (iv)

4. (iv),(ii),(iii) and (i)

Subtopic:  Micturition Reflex |
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Match the terms given in Column-I with their physiological processes given in column-II and choose the correct answer:




Proximal convoluted tubule


Formation of concentrated urine


Distal convoluted tubule


Filtration of blood


Henle’s loop


Reabsorption of 70-80% of electrolytes


Counter-current mechanism


Ionic balance


Renal corpuscle


Maintainance of a concentration gradient in the medulla


1. (A)-(iii); (B)-(v); (C)-(iii); (D)-(ii); (E)-(i)

2. (A)-(iii); (B)-(iv); (C)-(i);(D)-(v);(E)-(ii)

3. (A)-(i);(B)-(iii); (C)-(ii); (D)-(v);(E)-(iv)

4. (A)-(iii) ; (B)-(i) ; (C)-(iv) ; (D)-(v) ; (E)-(ii)

Subtopic:  Nephron Part 1 | Nephron Part 2 | Concentration of Urine: I | Concentration of Urine: II | Concentration of Urine |
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Please attempt this question first.

A fall in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) activates:

1. Adrenal cortex to release aldosterone

2. Adrenal medulla to release adrenaline

3. Posterior pituitary to release vasopressin

4. Juxtaglomerular cells to release renin

Subtopic:  Autoregulation of GFR |
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Please attempt this question first.


Which of the following is not associated with micturition reflex?

1. Relaxation of urethral sphincter

2. Contraction of detrusor muscle

3. Activation of stretch receptors in wall of ureters

4. Neural mechanism govern micturition reflex

Subtopic:  Micturition Reflex |
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Please attempt this question first.

Mark the incorrect statement with respect to counter current mechanism 

1. Osmolarity of filtrate increases while moving down the descending limb of loop of Henle

2. There will be no urine formation if loop of Henle is absent in mammalian nephrons

3. NaCl and urea maintain the osmolarity gradient in medulla

4. Osmolarity of fluid moving out from the collecting duct is four times that of plasma

Subtopic:  Concentration of Urine |
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Please attempt this question first.

The majority of water and salt filtered into Bowman’s capsule is reabsorbed by:

1. the brush border of the transport epithelia of the proximal tubule

2. diffusion from the descending limb of the loop of Henle into the hypertonic interstitial fluid of the medulla

3. active transport across the transport epithelium of the thick upper segment of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle

4. selective secretion and diffusion across the distal tubule

Subtopic:  Formation of Urine |
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Please attempt this question first.


Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

1. The medullary zone of the kidney is divided into a few conical masses called medullary pyramids projecting into calyces.

2. Inside the kidney the cortical region extends in between the medullary pyramids as renal pelvis.

3. glomerulus along with Bowman's capsule is called the renal corpuscle.

4. Renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), and distal convoluted tubule (DCT) of the nephron are situated in the cortical region of the kidney.

Subtopic:  Human Kidney: Location & Cut Section |
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Please attempt this question first.

The parts of nephron situated in cortical region of kidney are

1. Loop of Henle, PCT, and collecting duct

2. Collecting duct, PCT, and malpighian corpuscle

3. PCT, DCT, and Loop of Henle

4. PCT, DCT and Malpighian corpuscle

Subtopic:  Nephron Part 1 |
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Please attempt this question first.

The osmotic concentration of glomerular filtrate is the highest at the bottom of the U-shaped Henle’s loop. It is about ____________ mOsmL-1

1. 300
2. 600
3. 900
4. 1200

Subtopic:  Concentration of Urine |
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Please attempt this question first.


Which of the following cannot be expected in the filtrate when it arrives to descending limb of Henle’s loop?

I. Albumin  II. Glucose
III. Urea IV. Amino acid

1. I, II, III & IV 

2. I only

3. II, IV only 

4. I, II & IV

Subtopic:  Formation of Urine: Ultrafiltration 1 | Formation of Urine: Ultrafiltration 2 | Formation of Urine: Ultrafiltration |
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Please attempt this question first.