Agarose extracted from sea weeds finds use in
1. tissue culture
2. PCR
3. gel electrophoresis
4. spectrophotometry
Which one of the following is used as vector for cloning genes into higher organisms?
1. Baculovirus
2. Salmonella typhimurium
3. Rhizopus nigricans
4. Retrovirus
Which one of the following palindromic base sequences in DNA can be easily cut at about
the middle by some particular restriction enzyme?
1. 5'CGTTCG3'
2. 5'GATATG3'
3. 5'GAATTC3'
4. 5'CACGTA3'
Which one of the following is commonly used in transfer of foreign DNA into crop plants?
1. Trichoderma harzianum
2. Meloidogyne incognita
3. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
4. Penicillium expansum
Gel electrophoresis is used for
1. cutting of DNA into fragments
2. separation of DNA fragments according to their size
3. construction of recombinant DNA by joining with cloning vectors
4. isolation of DNA molecule
Which of these are most widely used in genetic engineering?
1. Plastid
2. Plasmid
3. Mitochondrion
4. Ribosome
Introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype is
1. biotechnology
2. vernalization
3. tissue culture
4. genetic engineering
A tumor inducing plasmid widely used in the production of transgenic plants is that of
1. Escherichia coli
2. Bacillus thuringiensis
3. Staphylococcus aureus
4. Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
What is the source of EcoRI?
(1) Escherichia coli R 1
(2) Escherichia coli R I 13
(3) Escherichia coli R Y 13
(4) Escherichia coli R X 13
Which of the following is a cloning vector?
(1) DNA of Salmonella typhimurium
(2) Ti plasmid
(3) Amp' and Tet' loci
(4) Ori minus PBR322