The kinetic energy needed to project a body of mass m from the earth's surface to infinity is
1. \(\frac14\) mgR
2. \(\frac12\) mgR
3. mgR
4. 2 mgR
A particle is kept at rest at a distance R (earth's radius) above the earth's surface. The minimum speed with which it should be projected so that it does not return is
1. \(\sqrt\frac{GM}{4R}\)
2. \(\sqrt\frac{GM}{2R}\)
3. \(\sqrt\frac{GM}{R}\)
4. \(\sqrt\frac{2GM}{R}\)
A satellite is orbiting the earth close to its surface. A particle is to be projected from the satellite to just escape from the earth. The escape speed from the earth is ve. Its speed with respect to the satellite
1. will be less than ve
2. will be more than ve
3. will be equal to ve
4. will depend on direction of projection