The stems of maize and sugarcane have:

1. stilt roots that are hanging and supporting structures
2. prop roots that are hanging and supporting structures
3. prop roots coming out from the nodes in upper stem
4. supporting stilt roots coming out of the lower nodes of the stem
Subtopic:  Modification of Roots |

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Pneumatophores are found in plants growing in:

1. Xeric conditions 2. Swampy areas
3. Hypersaline environments 4. Permafrost conditions
Subtopic:  Modification of Roots |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

The pointed structures seen emerging from ground in the given picture are called:

1. Pneumatophores
2. Haustoria
3. Assimilatory roots
4. Stilt roots

Subtopic:  Modification of Roots |

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The Great Banyan Tree is over 250 years old and covers about 14,500 square meters of land (3.5 acres) in the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Botanical Garden near Kolkata (Calcutta), making it the widest tree in the world. From a distance, the tree has the appearance of a forest, but what appear to be individual trees are actually aerial roots- around 3,000 of them. These aerial roots are called:

1. Haustoria
2. Pneumatophores
3. Prop roots
4. Climbing roots

Subtopic:  Modification of Roots |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.