From inside to outside the correct order of the following cells in the retina would be:
1. Ganglion cells - Photoreceptor cells - Bipolar cells
2. Ganglion cells - Bipolar cells - Photoreceptor cells
3. Bipolar cells - Photoreceptor cells - Ganglion cells
4. Photoreceptor cells - Ganglion cells - Bipolar cells
In the human eye, the visual acuity is highest at:
1. Macula lutea
2. Optic disc
3. Fovea centralis
4. Optic chiasma
Reissner's membrane separates:
1. Scala vestibuli and Scala media
2. Tympanic cavity and Pharynx
3. Fenestra rotundus and Fenestra ovalis
4. Scala media and Scala tympani
The resting membrane potential is established primarily due to:
1. Sodium-potassium pump
2. Efflux of potassium
3. Influx of sodium
4. Influx of chloride
A characteristic of human cornea is :
1. absence of blood circulation
2. cause cataract in old age
3. has lacrimal glands for secreting tears
4. secreted by conjunctiva and glandular layer
Most sensory receptors function by producing depolarising potentials. Which of the following function by hyperpolarization rather than depolarization ?
1. proprioceptors
2. nociceptors
3. olfactory receptors
4. rods and cones
The depolarization of the axonal membrane is due to:
1. Influx of sodium ions
2. Efflux of sodium ions
3. Influx of potassium ions
4. Efflux of the potassium ions
Immediately after an action potential has peaked, which cellular gates open?
1. Sodium
2. Chloride
3. Calcium
4. Potassium
The stapes sends its vibrations to
1. Incus
2. Round window
3. Tympanic membrane
4. Oval window
In a chemical synapse, when an impulse arrives at the axon terminal, it:
1. leads to the opening of the calcium channels at the post-synaptic membrane.
2. Stimulates the fusion of synaptic vesicles towards the pre-synaptic membrane.
3. causes the binding of the neurotransmitter of its receptors on the post-synaptic neuron.
4. activates the opening of the potassium channels in the axon terminal.