What happens in the extraction of chlorine by electrolysis of brine?

1. Oxidation of Cl- ion to chlorine gas occurs.

2. Reduction of Cl- ion to chlorine gas occurs.

3. For overall reaction G° has negative value.

4. A displacement reaction takes place.


HINT: Oxidation of Cl- ion to chlorine gas occurs. 
Following reaction takes place in the extraction of chlorine by electrolysis : 
2H2O(l)+2Cl-(aq) H2(g)+Cl2+2OH-aq
From the above reaction it is very clear that the oxidation of Cl- ion to chlorine gas occurs. Thus, option (1) is the correct answer.
G° for this reaction is +422kJ. Therefore, thermodynamically reaction is not feasible.
We know that , 
By using this equation value of E° can be calculated. Thus,
Therefore, for the occurrence of this reaction, external potential (emf) greater than 2.2V is required . Due to this fact (3) is not the correct option.