Q.11 Choose the correct statement regarding the ZIFT procedure.

(a) Ova collected from a fernale donor are transferred to the Fallopian tube to facilitate zygote formation.

(b) Zygote is collected from a fernale donor are transferred to the Fallopian tube to

(c) Zygote is collected from a fernale donor are transferred to the uterus 

(d) Ova collected from a fernale donor are transferred to the Fallopian tube to uterus 

 (b) The zygote or early ambryo with upto 8 blastomeres is collected from a female conor and transferred into the Fallopian tube, this process is called Zygote Inira Fallopian Transfer or ZIFT.
Embryo more than 8 blastomeres is transferred into the uterus by the process called Intra Uterine Iranster or IUT,
When ovum is collected fram donar and transferred lo Fallopian tube of other female who can not produce ovum- this is known as Garnete Intra Fallopian Transfe(GIFT)