Which of the following situations correctly describe the similarity between an angiospermic egg and a human egg?

I.   Eggs of both are formed only once in a lifetime.
II. Both the angiosperm egg and human egg are stationary.
III. Both the angiosperm egg and human egg are motile transported.
IV. Syngamy in both results in the formation of zygote.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

1. ll and lV

2. only lV

3. lll and lV

4. l and lV

In case of many terrestrial organisms (including both angiosperms and humans) which exhibit internal fertilisation, syngamy occurs inside the body of the organism to form zygote.
Both the angiosperm and human remains reproductively active throughout their reproductive phase. It means the formation of egg takes place not only once but many times in a lifetime.
In humans, once an egg has been released from ovary, the beating of cilia in the Fallopian tube moves the egg from the ovary to the uterus. So, the egg is considered as motile not stationary.
In flowering plants(angiosperms), the gametes are non-motile cells within gametophytes, but for the fusion to take place the non-motile male gametes are carried to female gamete by pollen-tubes.