Q.45 Interspecific crosses are rare in nature and intergeneric crosses almost unknown. Why?

ln interspecific viusses, male and female animals of two different related species are

mated. In some cases, the progeny may combine desirable features of both the parents,

‘and may be of considerable economic value, e.g., the mule.

‘An interspecific hybrid’s fertility varies, Many of Panthera (ligers, tigons leopons etc.) hybrid

males are infertile, while the female counterparts can breed with the species she contains

(female ligers can breed with a lion or a tiger to produce li-ligers or ti-tigers). These are rare

in nature.

Intergeneric hybridisation is the crossing of two different animals/plants of different genus. It

is almost unknown in nature. Intergeneric hybrids more or less never form complete

zygotes/embryos. These are sterile/intertile.