Given below are a few statements regarding somatic hybridization. Choose the correct statements.

I. Protoplasts of different cells of the same plant are fused.
II. Protoplasts from cells of different species can be fused.
III. Treatment of cells with cellulase and pectinase is mandatory.
IV. The hybrid protoplast contains characters of only one parental protoplast.

1. I and III

2. I and II

3. I and IV

4. II and III

(d) The process of producing somatic hybrids involves the folowing steps

l. Single cells from selected plants are isolated.

ll. The cell wails of cells are digested by enzymes like pectinase and cellulase to

expose the naked protoplasts.

lll. Naked protoplasts surrounded only by plasma membranes are isolated.

lV. The isolated protoplasts are fused to obtain hybrid protoplasts under sterile

conditions in special nutrient media.

V. The hybrid protoplasts are cultured in a suitable media to form new plant. The

hybrid protoplast contains characters of both parental protoplasts.