Given below are two statements: 

Assertion (A): Preservative is added to food items.
Reason (R): Preservatives inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

1. Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason does not explain assertion.
2. Assertion and reason both are correct and reason explains the assertion.
3. Both assertion and reason are wrong statements.
4. Assertion is the correct statement reason is the wrong statement.

Hint: Preservatives are added to food items because it inhibits the growth of microorganisms.
Food preservatives are natural or synthetic chemicals that are added to foods to retard spoilage.
Chemicals that wilt used to protect food against bacteria, yeasts, and molds arc called food preservatives, not all chemicals added to food are food preservatives.
Food preservation is important in increasing/enhancing the shelf life of food. All these chemicals do not increase the nutritive value of the food.
Hence, Assertion and reason both are correct and Reason explains the assertion.