The conductivity of an electrolytic solution depends on

a. Nature of the electrolyte

b. Concentration of the electrolyte

c. Power of AC source

d. Distance between the electrodes
The correct statements from the four statements given above are:
1. (a, b)
2. (b, c)
3. (c, d)
4. (a, d)

Conductivity of electrolytic solution is due to presence of mobile ions in the solution. This type of conductance is known as ionic conductance. Conductivity of these type of solutions depend upon
(i) the nature of electrolyte added
(ii) size of the ion produced and their solvatian
(iii) concentration of electrolyte
(iv) nature of solvent and its viscosity
(v) temperature While power of source or distance between electrodes has no effect on conductivity of electrolyte solution.
Hence, options (a) and (b) are the correct choices.