The pressure of a 1 : 4 mixture of dihydrogen and dioxygen enclosed in a vessel is one atmosphere. The partial pressure of dioxygen is-

1. 0.8×105 atm

2. 0.008 Nm-2

3. 8×104 Nm-2

4. 0.25 atm

Hint: Partial pressure of O2=Mole fraction of O2×total pressure of mixture
Step 1:
The formula of partial pressure of O2 is as follows:
Partial pressure of O2=Mole fraction of O2×total pressure of mixture
Step 2:
The given values are as follows:
The pressure of a 1 : 4 mixture of H2 and O2 enclosed in a vessel is one atmosphere. This suggests that the moles ratio of H2 and O2 is 1 : 4.
Thus, partial pressure of dioxygen (O2) is given as
Partial pressure of O2=Mole fraction of O2×total pressure of mixture
=41+4×1=45×1 atm
=0.8 atm=0.8×105 Nm-2=8×104 Nm-2