5.6 The drain cleaner, Drainex contains small bits of aluminum which react with caustic soda to produce dihydrogen. What volume of dihydrogen at 20 °C and one bar will be released when 0.15g of aluminum reacts?


The reaction of aluminium with caustic soda can be represented as: 

2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O  2NaAIO2 + 3H2
     2 × 27g                                   3 × 22400 mL


At STP (273.15K and 1 atm), 54g ( 2 x 27g ) of al gives 3 x 22400 mL of H2 

0.15 g Al gives 3×22400×0.1554 of H2  i.e., 186.67 mL of H2 




p1 = 1 atm

V1 = 186.67 mL

T1 = 273.15 K


Let the volume of dihydrogenn be V2 at p2 = 0.987 atm ( since 1 bar = 0.987 atm ) and T = 20°C = (273.15 + 20) = 293.15 K.







          = 202.98 mL

          = 203 mL