5.3 Using the equation of state pV=nRT; show that at a given temperature density of a gas is proportional to gas pressure

The equation of state is given by,

pV = nRT ……….. (i) Where,

p → Pressure of gas

V → Volume of gas

n→ Number of moles of gas

R → Gas constant

T → Temperature of gas

From equation (i) we have, 

nV = pRT

Replacing n with   mM       , we have 

mMV = pRT ........ (ii)

Where, m → Mass of gas

M → Molar mass of gas

But,   mV = d   (d = density of gas)

Thus, from equation (ii), we have   

dM = pRT
  d = MRt p

Molar mass (M) of a gas is always constant and there fore, at contstant temperature

(T), MRt = constant
d = ( constant ) p
 d α p


Hence, at a given temperature, the density (d) of gas is proportional to its pressure (p)