2.52 Following results are observed when sodium metal is irradiated with different wavelengths. Calculate (a) threshold wavelength and, (b) Planck’s constant.

λ (nm) 500 450 400
v × 10–5 (cm s–1) 2.55 4.35 5.35

(a) Assuming the threshold wavelength to be λ0 nm=λ0 x 10-9 m, the kinetic energy of the radiation is given as:

hv - v0 = 12 mv2

Three different equalities can be formed by the given value as:

hc1λ - 1λ0 = 12 mv2
hc1500 x 109 - 1λ0 x 10-9 m = 12 m2.55 x 10+5 x 10-2 m/s
hc10-9m1500 - 1λ0 = 12m2.55 x 10+3 m/s2                         1


hc10-9m1450 - 1λ0 = 12m3.45 x 10+3 m/s2                       2
hc10-9m1400 - 1λ0 = 12m5.35 x 10+3 m/s2                       3

Dividing equation (3) by equation (1):

1400 - 1λ01500 - 1λ0 = 5.35 x 10+3 m/s22.55 x 10+3 m/s2
5λ0 - 20004λ0 - 2000 = 5.352.552 = 28.62256.5025
5λ0 - 20004λ0 - 2000 = 4.40177
17.6070λ0 - 5λ0 = 8803.537 - 2000
λ0 = 6805.53712.607
λ0 = 539.8 nm
λ0 = 540 nm

So, threshold wavelength λ0 = 540 nm