35. Time for 20 oscillations of a pendulum is measured as t1=39.6s; t2=39.9s and t3=39.5s. What is the precision in the measurements? What is the accuracy of the measurement?

Hint: The precision of the measurement is given by the least count of the measurement and error gives the amount of accuracy.
Step 1: Find the precision of the measurement.

Given, t1=39.6s, t2=39.9s and t3=39.5s

Least count of measuring instrument = 0.1 sec

 (As measurements have only one decimal place)
Precision in the measurement = Least count of the measuring instrument = 0.1 sec

Step 2: Find the mean absolute error of the measurement.
The mean value of time for 20 oscillations is given by,


Absolute errors in the measurements,


 Mean absolute error =|Δt1|+|Δt2|+|Δt3|3=0.1+0.2+0.23=0.53=0.170.2

Step 3: Find the accuracy of the measurement.

 (rounding off up to one decimal place)

  Accuracy of measurement =±0.2s