The sum of the numbers \(436.32,227.2,\) and \(0.301\) in the appropriate significant figures is:

1. \( 663.821 \) 2. \( 664 \)
3. \( 663.8 \) 4. \(663.82\)
Hint: The result should have as many digits after the decimal point as there are in the number with the least digits after the decimal point.
Step: Find the sum of the numbers.
The sum of the numbers can be calculated as 663.821 arithmetically. The number with the least decimal places is 227.2 is correct to only one decimal place. The final result should therefore be rounded off to one decimal place i.e., 663.8.
Therefore, the sum of the numbers is 663.8.
Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.