13.13 A gas in equilibrium has uniform density and pressure throughout its volume. This is strictly true only if there are no external influences. A gas column under gravity, for example, does not have a uniform density (and pressure). As you might expect, its density decreases with height. The precise dependence is given by the so-called law of atmospheres

n2=n1e-mgh2  h1kBT

where n2n1 refer to number density at heights h2 and h1 respectively.

Use this relation to derive the equation for sedimentation equilibrium of a suspension in a liquid column:

n2=n1e-mgNAρ-ρ'h2  h1ρRT

where ρ is the density of the suspended particle, and ρ', that of the surrounding medium. [NA is Avogadro’s number and R the universal gas constant.]

[Hint: Use Archimedes principle to find the apparent weight of the suspended particle.]


According to the law of atmospheres:
n2=n1e-mgh2  h1kBT.........................(i)
mass of one suspended particle = m'
mass of the medium displaced = m
the volume of a suspended particle = V
According to Archimedes’ principle:
The apparent weight of the particle = Weight of the suspended particle - Weight of the medium displaced
= mg – m'g
=mg1-ρ'ρ            ... (ii) 
Gas constant, R=kBNA
  kB=RNA  … (iii) 
 Substituting equation (ii) in place of mg in equation (i) and then using equation (iii),
n2=n1e-mgh2  h1kBT
n2=n1e-mgρ-ρ'ρh2  h1NART
n2=n1e-mgNAρ-ρ'h2  h1ρRT