Calculate the number of atoms in 39.4 g gold. The molar mass of gold is 197 g mole-1.

Hint: The no. of atoms depends on the no. of moles of the substance.
Step 1: Find the no. of molecules in 1 mole.
We know that,
Molar mass = Mass of Avogadro's number of atoms (Molecules) = Mass of 6.023×1023 atoms
Step 2: Find the no. of molecules in the given mass.
Given, the molar mass of gold = 197 g/mol
 197 g of gold contains=6.023×1023 atoms
 1 g of gold contain=6.023×1023197 atoms
39.4 g of gold contains=6.023×1023×39.41971.20×1023 atoms