Four pendulums A, B, C, and D are suspended from the same elastic support as shown in the figure. A and C are of the same length, while B is smaller than A and D is large than A. If A is given a transverse displacement,

1. D will vibrate with maximum amplitude

2. C will vibrate with maximum amplitude

3. B will vibrate with maximum amplitude

4. All four will oscillate with equal amplitude

2. Hint: The amplitude of the pendulums depends on their frequencies.
Step 1: Find the comparative frequency of the pendulum.
According to the question, A is given a transverse displacement.
Through the elastic support, the disturbance is transferred to all the pendulums.
A and C are having the same length, hence they will be in resonance because of their time period of oscillation. 
                       T=2πlgand hence, the frequency is the same.
So, the amplitude of A and C will be maximum.