Assuming an electron is confined to a 1 nm wide region, find the uncertainty in momentum using the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (x×ph). You can assume the uncertainty in position x as 1 nm. Assuming pp, find the energy of the electron in electronvolts.

Hint: Use the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Step 1: Find the momentum and energy of the electron.
 Δp=h2πΔx=6.62×1034JS2×(22/7)×(109)m=1.05×1025 kgm/sEnergy, E=p22m=(Δp)22m             [pp]=(1.05×1025)22×9.1×1031J=(1.05×1025)22×9.1×1031×1.6×1019eV=3.8×102 eV