A ball of mass m, moving with a speed 2v0, collide inelastically (e > 0) with an identical ball at rest. Show that

(a) For head-on collision, both the balls move forward.
(b) For a general collision, the angle between the two velocities of scattered balls is less than 90°.

Hint: Use the Principle of conservation of linear momentum.
Step 1: Find velocities of the balls after collision by applying momentum conservation and the equation of eccentricity. 

(a) Let v1 and v2 are velocities of the two balls after the collision.
Now bv the Principle of conservation of linear momentum.

2mv0=mv1+mv2or   2v0=v1+v2and   e=v2v12v0   v2=v1+2v0e   2v1=2v02ev0   v1=v0(1e)

Since e < 1  v1, has the same sign as v0, therefore, the ball moves on after collision.

Step 2: Interpret the (b) part.

(b) Consider the diagram below for a general collision.

By the principle of conservation of linear momentum,


For inelastic collision, some KE is lost, hence 


Thus, p, p1 and p2 are related as shown in the figure.

θ is acute (less than 90)(p2=p12+p22 would given θ=90)