For two vectors \(\vec A\) and \(\vec B\), |\(\vec A\)+\(\vec B\)|=|\(\vec A\) - \(\vec B\)| is always true when:

(a) |\(\vec A\)| = |\(\vec B\)|  ≠ \(0\)
(b) \(\vec A\perp\vec B\)
(c) |\(\vec A\)| = |\(\vec B\)|  ≠ \(0\) and \(\vec A\) and \(\vec B\) are parallel or antiparallel.
(d) when either |\(\vec A\)| or |\(\vec B\)| is zero.

Choose the correct option:
1. (a), (d)
2. (b), (c)
3. (b), (d)
4. (a), (b)

(3) Hint: Use the parallelogram method.

Step 1: Find the magnitude of the resultant on both sides.

Given, |A+ B| = |A - B|

 |A|2+|B|2+2|A||B|cosθ=|A|2+|B|22|A||B|cosθ |A|2+|B|2+2|A||B|cosθ=|A|2+|B|22|A||B|cosθ
 4|A||B|cosθ=0 |A||B|cosθ=0 |A|=0 or |B|=0 or cosθ=0 θ = 90

When θ=90, we can say that A  B.