When sepals or petals in a whorl just touch one another at the margin, without overlapping, the aestivation is said to be:

1. Valvate 2. Twisted
3. Imbricate 4. Vexillary

Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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Imbricate aestivation of floral parts is seen in:

1. Calotropis 2. Cassia
3. China rose 4. Lady’s finger
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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In papilionaceous aestivation:
1. standard overlaps the wings that overlap the keel
2. standard overlaps the keel that overlaps the wings
3. wings overlap the standard that overlaps the keel
4. keel overlaps the wings that overlap the standard

Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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Usually the anther in an angiosperm has:
1. two lobes and each lobe has two pollen sacs
2. two lobes and each lobe has one pollen sac
3. four lobes and each lobe has one pollen sac
4. four lobes and each lobe has two pollen sacs

Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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Stamens attached to the perianth as in the flowers of lily are called as:

1. Epipetalous 2. Epiphyllous
3. Polypetalous 4. Gamopetalous
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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Variation in the length of filaments within a flower is seen in:

1. Pea 2. Citrus
3. Salvia 4. Brinjal
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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After fertilization, the ovules develop into _____ and ovary matures into ______.

1. Fruit, Seeds 2. Seeds, Fruit
3. Seeds, Seed coat 4. Embryo, Endosperm
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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At the root tip, the cells that are responsible for the growth of the root in length are located in the region that is:
1. distal to the region of meristematic activity
2. proximal to the region of meristematic activity
3. proximal to the region of maturation
4. distal to the region of elongation

Subtopic:  Morphology of Roots |

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Ovary is one chambered but it becomes two chambered due to the formation of a false septum in:

1. Mustard and Argemone 2. Argemone and Dianthus
3. Mustard and Primrose 4. Argemone and Primrose
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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Axile placentation is not seen in:

1. China rose 2. Tomato
3. Lemon 4. Pea
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.