Match List - I with List - II

 List -I  List -II
(a) Cristae (i) Primary constriction in chromosome
(b) Thylakoids (ii) Disc-shaped sacs in Golgi apparatus
(c) Centromere (iii) Infoldings in mitochondria
(d) Cisternae (iv) Flattened membranous sacs in stroma of plastids

Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
2. (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
3. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
4. (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
Subtopic:  Mitochondria | Golgi Apparatus | Nucleus | Vacuole |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

In general, the functions of the vacuole include all except:
1. Isolating materials that might be harmful or a threat to the cell
2. storing waste products
3. Maintaining internal hydrostatic pressure or turgor within the cell
4. Maintaining an alkaline internal pH

Subtopic:  Vacuole |

To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.


To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.