In general, competition has the least impact on:

3.Carnivores4.Both 1 and 2

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition |

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Abingdon tortoise got extinct from the Galapagos Islands because of:

1.  pollution caused by frequent visits by humans
2.  a volcanic eruption causing deposition of lava
3.  better browsing efficiency of introduced goats outcompeting them
4.  invasion by a predator from the nearby mainland
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition |

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The distribution of a species is found to expand dramatically when the competitive superior species is removed from the area. This is called as:

1.Competitive exclusion2.Competitive release
3.Interference competition4.Exploitative competition

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition |

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Competitors can coexist indefinitely only by:

1.niche differentiation2.contest competition
3.interference competition4.scramble competition

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition |

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The two species physically interfere with one another by aggressively attempting to exclude one another from particular habitats in:

1.competitive exclusion2.predation
3.exploitative competition4.interference competition

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition |

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Resource partitioning is:

1.  Competitive exclusion results in the success of the superior species.
2.  Slight variations in niches allow similar species to coexist.
3.  Two species can coevolve to share the same niche.
4.  Differential resource utilization results in a decrease in species diversity
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition |

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Consider the following statements:

I:  When certain exotic species are introduced into a geographical area, they become invasive because the invaded land does not have its natural predators.
II:  Competition is best defined as a process in which the fitness of one species is significantly lower in the presence of another species.
III:   Biological control methods adopted in agricultural pest control are based on the ability of the predator to regulate the prey population.

Which of the above statements are true?

1. I and II only 2. I and III only
3. II and III only 4. I, II, and III
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition | Population Interactions: Predation |

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When the feeding efficiency of one species is reduced due to the inhibitory presence of the other species, even if resources are abundant, it is called:

1.Interference competition2.Exploitative competition

Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition |

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The competitive exclusion principle can be best expressed as:

1.  the more abundant species will exclude the less abundant species through competition
2.  competition for the same resources excludes species having different lifestyles
3.  no two species can occupy the same niche indefinitely when resources are limited
4.  larger organisms exclude smaller ones through competition as in the case of large trees controlling underbrush
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Competition |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.
