Ovaries are the primary sex organs in human females because they:

I:  Produce the female gamete.
II:  Produce the hormone that regulates the development of secondary sexual characters.
1. Both I and II 2. Only I
3. Only II 4. None
Subtopic:  Ovary | Menstrual Cycle: Pre Ovulatory Phase |

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The ovaries are located:

1. In a sac outside the body 2. In the lower abdomen
3. In the upper abdomen 4. In the thorax
Subtopic:  Ovary |

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Each ovary is connected to the pelvic wall and the uterus by:

1. Peritoneum 2. Adipose tissue
3. Ligaments 4. Areolar tissue

Subtopic:  Ovary |

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At the birth of the female child, the follicles in her ovaries contain:

1.  Primary oocytes that have been arrested at the S phase of the cell cycle
2.  Primary oocytes that have been arrested at prophase I of meiosis I
3.  Secondary oocytes that have been arrested prophase I of meiosis I
4.  Secondary oocytes that have been arrested at metaphase II of meiosis II

Subtopic:  Ovary |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.