The testes in the initial months of the development:
1. are found in the abdominal cavity.
2. descend into the scrotum by the end of second month.
3. start spermatogenesis.
4. secretes some LH.

Subtopic:  Male Reproductive System |
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GnRH release by hypothalamus would be decreased due to:
1. decreased inhibin
2. increased testosterone
3. decreased FSH
4. decreased LH

Subtopic:  Seminiferous Tubules & Spermatogenesis | Spermiogenesis/Sperm Structure/Hormonal Regulation |
Please attempt this question first.

In fallopian tube, the part called as the ampulla:
1. opens into the uterus.
2. is the narrowest part.
3. is connected to the isthmus of the fallopian tube.
4. is lined with stratified squamous epithelium.

Subtopic:  Female Reproductive System-1 | Female Reproductive System-2 |

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The mature follicle mainly secretes:
1. estrogen
2. progesterone
3. inhibin
4. relaxin

Subtopic:  Menstrual Cycle: Pre Ovulatory Phase |

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Non primate mammalian females have:
1. a follicular cycle
2. an estrous cycle
3. a menstrual cycle
4. a luteal cycle

Subtopic:  Introduction to Menstrual Cycle: 1 |

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The first structure amongst the following to receive sperms would be:
1. vas deferens
2. urethra
3. epididymis
4. seminal vesicle

Subtopic:  Male Reproductive System |

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Male fertility primarily depends on sperm count. Sterility is likely if the count is below:
1. 100,000,000 / ml
2. 20,000,000 / ml
3. 100,000 / ml
4. 1,000 / ml

Subtopic:  Seminiferous Tubules & Spermatogenesis | Spermiogenesis/Sperm Structure/Hormonal Regulation |

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Which hormone is the immediate cause of ovulation?
1. FSH
2. progesterone
3. estrogen
4. LH

Subtopic:  Menstrual Cycle: Pre Ovulatory Phase |

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Largest amongst the following would be:
1. spermatid
2. mature egg cell
3. polar body
4. secondary spermatocyte

Subtopic:  oogenesis |

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Identify the source of testosterone in males:
1. seminiferous tubules
2. epididymis
3. Sertoli cells
4. Leydig cells

Subtopic:  Male Reproductive System |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.