The menstrual cycle starts with the:

1.Follicular phase2.Menstrual phase
3.Ovulatory phase4.Secretory phase

Subtopic:  Menstrual Cycle: Pre Ovulatory Phase | Menstrual Cycle: Luteal Phase |

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Cleavage is:

1.  Dissolution of the zona pellucida
2.  A specialized mitotic division in the late fetus
3.  A specialized meiotic division in the late fetus
4.  A specialized mitotic division in the zygote and early embryo

Subtopic:  Implantation : Part 1 |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Morula is a solid ball of cells during early embryonic development and consists of:

1. 4 – 8 cells 2. 8 – 16 cells
3. 24 – 30 cells 4. 60 – 72 cells
Subtopic:  Implantation |

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The trophoblast cells of the blastocyst form:

1. Embryo 2. Umbilical cord
3. Placenta 4. Teratoma
Subtopic:  Implantation |

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Implantation in humans occurs at the stage of:

1.  Zygote 2.  Morula
3.  Blastocyst 4.  Gastrula

Subtopic:  Implantation |

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During pregnancy the levels of thyroxin:

1. Increase several folds in maternal blood

2. Increases several folds in fetal blood

3. Decreases several folds in maternal blood

4. Decreases several folds in fetal blood

Subtopic:  Fetal Development & Parturition |

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The fetus develops limbs by the end of:

1. One month of pregnancy

2. Two months of pregnancy

3. First trimester of pregnancy

4. Second trimester of pregnancy

Subtopic:  Implantation : Part 1 | Implantation : Part 2 | Implantation |

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The correct sequence of development of embryonic stages in humans is:

1. Zygote → Blastula → Blastocyst
2. Zygote → Gastrula → Blastula
3. Zygote → Blastocyst → Gastrula
4. Zygote → Gastrula → Blastocyst

Subtopic:  Embryonic Development till Gastrulation |

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The first movements of the fetus and the appearance of hair on the head are usually observed during:

1. 2nd month 2. 3rd month
3. 5th month 4. 6th month

Subtopic:  Fetal Development & Parturition |

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Which of the following is not produced in the woman only during pregnancy?

1.  hCG 2.  hPL
3.  Relaxin 4.  Oxytocin

Subtopic:  Fetal Development & Parturition |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.