Choose the correct statement
1. Metamerism first developed in Arthropoda
2. Triploblastic animals lacking coelom are platyhelminths and annelids
3. Coelomate animals in which blastopore forms anus are grouped under deuterostomes
4. Coelom is the body cavity found between ectoderm and outer body wall

Subtopic:  Phylum Arthropoda |
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Read the following statements:
i. Longitudinal and circular muscles exist
ii. Body wall remains covered by the glandular epidermis
iii. Metamerism present
iv. Closed blood vascular system
The above statements exemplify which organism?
1. Flatworm
2. Ophiura
3. Wuchereria
4. Earthworm
Subtopic:  Phylum Annelida |
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Please attempt this question first.

Which of the following is correct?
1. Archaeopteryx is thought to be the transitional fossil between dinosaurs and birds since, like birds Archaeopteryx had feathers and a fused collar-bone indicating the flying ability
2. Cloaca is present in Balenoptera
3. In Physalia, digestion is first extracellular and then intracellular digestion occurs
4. Both (1) and (iii)
Subtopic:  Study of Aves & Mammals |
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Please attempt this question first.


Choose the correct match:
1. Branchostoma : Notochord persist through out the life
2. Ascidia : Notochord present in larva and disappears in adult
3. Doliolum : Notochord present in the larval tail only
4. More than one option is correct 
Subtopic:  Phylum Hemichordata | General Introduction: Vertebrates & Agnatha |
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Please attempt this question first.

1. May or may not possess jaw
2. Is included in the division Agnatha where notochord is present only in the early stages
3. Possess an elongated body with gill slits for respiration
4. Are devoid of scales and possess paired fins
Subtopic:  General Introduction: Vertebrates & Agnatha |
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Please attempt this question first.

What is/are the advantage(s) of coelom?
1. Can absorb shock or provide a hydrostatic skeletal system
2. Less freedom for movement
3. Allows organ to expand
4. Both (1) and (3)
Subtopic:  Basis of Classification:I | Basis of Classification:II | Basis of Classification |
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Read the following statements:
i. Snakes lack urinary bladder
ii. Air sacs in birds are helpful to lessen the body weight, keep the body warm, regulate body temperature and help in blood circulation
iii. Bone marrow is abundantly present in birds
iv. Devil fish belongs to the phylum Mollusca
v. Sea urchin has mouth on lower side and anus on the upper side
How many of the above statements are incorrect?
1. One
2. Three
3. Two
4. Four
Subtopic:  Phylum Arthropoda | Study of Aves & Mammals |
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Please attempt this question first.

Which of the following groups of three animals, each is correctly matched with their one characteristic morphological feature:
Animals Morphological features
(a) Scorpion, spider, cockroach Ventral solid nerve cord
(b) Centipede, prawn, sea-urchin Joined appendages
(c) Cockroach, Locust, Taenia Metameric segmentation
(d) Liver fluke, sea-anemone, sea-cucmber Bilateral symmetry
Subtopic:  Phylum Arthropoda | Phylum Mollusca | Phylum Echinodermata |
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Please attempt this question first.

Column-I contain larval stages and column-II contain the groups to which they belong. Match them correctly and choose the right option"
Column-I Column-II
A. Planula i. Annelida
B. Tornaria II. Mollusca
C. Trochophore iii. Arthropoda
D. Bipinnaria iv. Hemichordata
E. Glochidium v. Echinodermata
vi. Coelenterata
1. A = vi, B = iv, C = i, D = v, E = ii
2. A = ii, B = v, C = i, D = iv, E = vi
3. A = v, B = iv, C = iii, D = ii, E = i
4. A = iv, B = iii, C = ii, D = i, E = v
Subtopic:  Phylum Annelida | Phylum Arthropoda | Phylum Mollusca | Phylum Echinodermata | Phylum Hemichordata | Phylum Chordata |
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Read the following statements for the first triploblastic animals (w.r.t. evolution)
i. Possess coelom
ii. Are acoelomate
iii Are pseudocoelomate
iv. Possess protonephridia
v. Cephalisation begins
vi. Is exemplified by Planaria
Which of the following statements corresponds to these animals?
1. i, ii, iii
2. i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi
3. ii, iv, v, vi
4. i and iii
Subtopic:  Basis of Classification:I | Basis of Classification:II | Basis of Classification |
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