If the reverse bias in a junction diode is changed from \(5\) V to \(15\) V then the value of current changes from \(38~\mu \text{A}\) to \(88~\mu \text{A}\). The resistance of junction diode will be:
1. \(4\times10^{5}\)
2. \(3\times10^{5}\)
3. \(2\times10^{5}\)
4. \(10^{6}\)
1. \(0\) V
Zener breakdown will occur if:
1. impurity level is low.
2. impurity level is high.
3. impurity is less on the \(\mathrm{n\text-}\)side.
4. impurity is less on the \(\mathrm{p\text-}\)side.
An LED is constructed from a \(\mathrm{p\text{-}n}\) junction diode using \(\mathrm{GaAsP}\). The energy gap is \(1.9~\text{eV}\). The wavelength of the light emitted will be equal to:
1. \(10.4 \times 10^{-26} \text{m}\)
2. \(654~ \text{nm}\)
3. \(654~ \text{m}\)
4. \(654\times 10^{-11}~\text{m}\)
1. | \(1.0 \times 10^6 ~\text{V/m}\) | 2. | \(1.0 \times 10^5 ~\text{V/m}\) |
3. | \(2.0 \times 10^5 ~\text{V/m}\) | 4. | \(2.0 \times 10^6 ~\text{V/m}\) |
The figure shows a logic circuit with two inputs \(A\) and \(B\) and the output \(C\). The voltage waveforms across \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\) are as given. The logic circuit gate is:
1. \(\text{OR}\) gate
2. \(\text{NOR}\) gate
3. \(\text{AND}\) gate
4. \(\text{NAND}\) gate
1. | in the case of \(C\), the valence band is not completely filled at absolute zero temperature. |
2. | in the case of \(C\), the conduction band is partly filled even at absolute zero temperature. |
3. | the four bonding electrons in the case of \(C\) lie in the second orbit, whereas in the case of \(Si\), they lie in the third. |
4. | the four bonding electrons in the case of \(C\) lie in the third orbit, whereas for \(Si\), they lie in the fourth orbit. |
1. | \(5\) A | 2. | \(0.2\) A |
3. | \(0.6\) A | 4. | zero |
1. | \(V_B\) increases, \(x\) decreases | 2. | \(V_B\) decreases, \(x\) increases |
3. | \(V_B\) increases, \(x\) increases | 4. | \(V_B\) decreases, \(x\) decreases |