When a spring is subjected to 4 N force, its length is a metre and if 5 N is applied, its length is b metre. If 9 N is applied, its length will be:
1. 4b – 3a
2. 5b – a
3. 5b – 4a
4. 5b – 2a
If the kinetic energy of a body is increased by
\(300\)%, then the percentage change in momentum will be:
1. \(100\)%
2. \(150\)%
3. \(265\)%
4. \(73.2\)%
A child is sitting on a swing. Its minimum and maximum heights from the ground are \(0.75\) m and \(2\) m, respectively. Its maximum speed will be: (take \(g=10\) m/s2)
1. \(10\) m/s
2. \(5\) m/s
3. \(8\) m/s
4. \(15\) m/s
Two springs A and B having spring constant are stretched by applying a force of equal magnitude. If the energy stored in spring A is E, then the energy stored in B will be:
1. 2E
4. 4E
A stationary particle explodes into two particles of masses m1 and m2 which move in opposite directions with velocities v1 and v2. The ratio of their kinetic energies E1/E2 is:
1. m2/m1
2. m1/m2
3. 1
4. m1v2/m2v1
When a long spring is stretched by \(2\) cm, its potential energy is \(U\). If the spring is stretched by \(10\) cm, the potential energy stored in it will be:
1. \(U/5\)
2. \(5U\)
3. \(10U\)
4. \(25U\)
\(250\) N force is required to raise \(75\) kg mass from a pulley. If the rope is pulled \(12\) m, then the load is lifted to \(3\) m. The efficiency of the pulley system will be:
1. \(25\text{%}\)
2. \(33.3\text{%}\)
3. \(75\text{%}\)
4. \(90\text{%}\)
If two springs, A and B are stretched by the same suspended weights, then the ratio of work done in stretching is equal to:
1. 1 : 2
2. 2 : 1
3. 1 : 1
4. 1 : 4
A particle projected with velocity 'u' makes an angle θ with respect to horizontal. Now it breaks in two identical parts at highest point of trajectory. If one part retraces its path, then velocity of the other part is:
1. 3u cos θ
2. 2u cos θ
3. u cos θ
4. u
A mass of \(0.5~\text{kg}\) moving with a speed of \(1.5~\text{m/s}\) on a horizontal smooth surface, collides with a nearly weightless spring with force constant \(k=50~\text{N/m}.\) The maximum compression of the spring would be:
1. \(0.12~\text{m}\)
2. \(1.5~\text{m}\)
3. \(0.5~\text{m}\)
4. \(0.15~\text{m}\)