Vertical distribution of different species occupying different levels in a biotic community is
known as
1. divergence
2. stratification
3. zonation
4. pyramid
The mass of living material at a tropic level at a particular time is called
1. Gross primary productivity
2. Standing state
3. Net primary productivity
4. standing crop
Which one of the following processes during decomposition is correctly described?
1. Fragmentation-Carried out by organisms such as earthworms
2. Humification-Leads to the accumulation of a dark-coloured substance humus, which
undergoes microbial action at a very fast rate
3. Catabolism-Last step in the decomposition under fully anaerobic condition
4. Leaching-Water soluble inorganic nutrients rise to the top layers of soil.
Which one of the following is not a functional unit of an ecosystem?
1. Energy flow
2. Decomposition
3. Productivity
4. Stratification
Which one of the following statements for pyramid of energy is incorrect, whereas the
remaining three are correct ?
1. It shows energy content of different trophic level organisms
2. It is inverted in shape
3. It is upright in shape
4. Its base is broad
Of the total incident solar radiation the proportion of PAR is
1. about 60%
2. less than 50%
3. more than 80%
4. about 70%
The biomass available for consumption by the herbivores and the decomposers is called
1. net primary productivity
2. secondary productivity
3. standing crop
4. gross primary productivity
Which one of the following is one of the characteristics of a biological community ?
1. Stratification
2. Natality
3. Mortality
4. Sex-ratio
Which one of the following is not used for construction of ecological pyramids?
1. Dry weight
2. Number of individuals
3. Rate of energy flow
4. Fresh weight
Energy flow in an ecosystem is
(1) unidirectional
(2) bidirectional
(3) multi-directional
(4) All the these